You can join us in calling for a robust law on modern slavery, to make sure that human rights standards are upheld in our supply chains. We have made it easier for you and drafted a letter that you can send to the Minister.

Template: Letter to Minister on modern slavery law

Dear Minister Carmel Sepuloni,

I am writing to you regarding the proposed law to address Modern Slavery and Worker Exploitation, both globally and here in Aotearoa New Zealand across operations and supply chains.

It is important to me that Aotearoa has a sound law to make sure that human rights standards are protected throughout our supply chains.

As a consumer, I care that the products I purchase are ethically sourced and that the women and men who make our clothes are treated with dignity.

Several other countries and regions have enacted laws and regulations on modern slavery and due diligence such as the European Parliament’s Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence Directive.

As we draw closer to the elections, I would like to see Aotearoa stepping up to uphold core human rights values in our supply chains.

Thank you.

A group of women garment workers

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All images by Fabeha Monir, except where stated otherwise.