The Future is Equal

Archives for December 12, 2011

Durban platform leaves world sleepwalking towards four degrees warming

Negotiators at the UN climate talks have narrowly avoided a collapse, agreeing to the bare minimum deal possible. The plan gets the Green Climate Fund up and running without any sources of funding, preserves a narrow pathway to avoid 4 degrees of warming and gets a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol without key members.
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Promoting gender equity in the Pacific: Recommendations for Pacific Island Forum leaders

The Pacific region continues to hold some of the highest figures of violence against women and some of the lowest figures for female political representation. The Women’s Rights and Advocacy in the Pacific (WRAP) is calling on Pacific Island leaders to take urgent action to promote gender equity in the region. This report details 14 recommendations on how to effectively address sexual and gender-based violence and to increase women’s roles in public and political decision making.