The Future is Equal

News and stories

A woman blows a conch shell
A woman blowing a conch shell; text - news & stories

The latest news and inspiring stories about Oxfam’s work around the globe.

Risk of disease outbreak rises as Bangladesh floods devastat…

Oxfam staff carrying supplies through floodwaters
The risk of waterborne disease outbreak is rising as the water and sanitation systems across 11 districts in Bangladesh have been submerged or disrupted by recent floods

Doing Our Fair Share: New Zealand’s Responsibility to …

Doing Our Fair Share: New Zealand's Responsibility to Provide Climate Finance Report
Doing Our Fair Share: New Zealand’s Responsibility to Provide Climate Finance Report

Seizing the Moment: A new climate finance goal that delivers…

Family smiling behind plant boxes of crops they are growing
Seizing the Moment: A new climate finance goal that delivers for the Pacific

Doing Our Fairshare: New Zealand’s Responsibility to P…

Doing Our Fairshare: New Zealand's Responsibility to Provide Climate Finance Report
Doing Our Fairshare: New Zealand’s Responsibility to Provide Climate Finance Report

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