The Future is Equal

Research and reports

A person blows into a conch shell with text 'research and reports'

At Oxfam Aotearoa, we believe that all people are entitled to decent work and income security and to essential services such as health and education. Everyone should have gender equality, security from conflict and disasters, and be able to participate in social and political life. Below you’ll find a wide selection of reports and research papers on the programming and advocacy we undertake to achieve these aims.

people in Gaza filling up water bottles
This report presents a detailed analysis of how the Government of Israel has systematically weaponized water against the Palestinians in its latest assault on Gaza, raising grave concerns of human …
While the Government plans new oil and gas exploration, Oxfam Aotearoa has published a new report saying it’s time to close the industry down for good. Released on COP28’s Just …
Woman measuring in a drought area
Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan have incurred $7.4bn of livestock losses alone as a result of climate change Despite being largely responsible for the worsening climate crisis in East …
A woman carrying water
Climate-induced water insecurity poses one of the biggest threats to humanity and will lead to more hunger, disease and displacement Oxfam water engineers are having to drill deeper, more expensive …
Scenic tree
A new report out this week titled ‘Climate Finance Shadow Report’ from Oxfam shows New Zealand still has much more to do to support poorer countries adapt and respond to …
Globe illustration
Rich countries’ continued failure to honor their $100 billon climate finance promise threatens negotiations and undermines climate action As global greenhouse emissions continue to rise, and climate change wreaks more …
Sanfo stands outside her home
800 percent increase in UN appeal needs for extreme weather-related emergencies – new Oxfam research.The amount of money needed for UN humanitarian appeals involving extreme weather events like floods or …
Aerial view of camp
One person likely dying from hunger every 48 seconds in drought-ravaged East Africa as world again fails to heed warnings One person is likely dying of hunger every 48 seconds …
Image of a person in a dark alley
A new Oxfam report shows an undeniable increase in gender-based violence (GBV) during the COVID-19 pandemic around the world to which too many governments and donors are not doing enough …
Breaking Through Red Lines Report
Oxfam Aotearoa along with Oxfam Australia, and Oxfam in the Pacific have released a new report titled Breaking through red lines. Oxfam says that the report draws attention to gaps …
Aerial view in Greece
Greece is turning more and more to the practice of administrative detention to manage people who arrive in Greece to claim asylum. This is according to the new report, Detention …
Tightening the Net Report
Land-hungry ‘net zero’ schemes could force an 80 percent rise in global food prices and more hunger while allowing rich nations and corporates to continue “dirty business-as-usual” Using land alone …
Measuring corporate commitments towards a free, fair, and accessible COVID-19 vaccine
Scientists have delivered multiple safe and effective vaccines, but pharmaceutical corporations and governments are still failing to make enough doses and facilitate their distribution everywhere. Vaccines could indeed get us …
Adam Dicko is a Malian activist, fighting for social justice in the times of COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has the potential to lead to an increase in inequality in almost every country at once, the first time this has happened since records began. The virus …
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As 2020 draws to a close, the economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic shows no sign of abating. Without urgent action, global poverty and inequality will deepen dramatically. Hundreds …