The Future is Equal

Research and reports

A person blows into a conch shell with text 'research and reports'

At Oxfam Aotearoa, we believe that all people are entitled to decent work and income security and to essential services such as health and education. Everyone should have gender equality, security from conflict and disasters, and be able to participate in social and political life. Below you’ll find a wide selection of reports and research papers on the programming and advocacy we undertake to achieve these aims.

Tightening the Net Report
Land-hungry ‘net zero’ schemes could force an 80 percent rise in global food prices and more hunger while allowing rich nations and corporates to continue “dirty business-as-usual” Using land alone …
Measuring corporate commitments towards a free, fair, and accessible COVID-19 vaccine
Scientists have delivered multiple safe and effective vaccines, but pharmaceutical corporations and governments are still failing to make enough doses and facilitate their distribution everywhere. Vaccines could indeed get us …
Adam Dicko is a Malian activist, fighting for social justice in the times of COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has the potential to lead to an increase in inequality in almost every country at once, the first time this has happened since records began. The virus …
PDF icon Click here to download the ‘Standing With The Frontlines’ report
As 2020 draws to a close, the economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic shows no sign of abating. Without urgent action, global poverty and inequality will deepen dramatically. Hundreds …
Tinaai, explains to village children from Kiribati the importance of mangroves in protecting the country's shores from coastal erosion. Credit: Vlad Sokhin/Panos/OxfamAU
Boosting climate finance for developing and climate-vulnerable countries is a key part of fulfilling the Paris Agreement. New Zealand should double its climate finance to get closer to doing its …
woman feeding her child
In 2017, extreme hunger was the defining humanitarian crisis, with four countries on the brink of famine and 30 million people in dire need of food assistance for survival. International …
Fighting inequality in the time of Covid-19 Report
COVID-19 hit a world woefully unprepared to fight it, because countries had failed to choose policies to fight inequality. Only one in six countries assessed for the CRI Index 2020 …
Confronting Carbon Inequality
In the 25 years from 1990 to 2015, annual global carbon emissions grew by 60%, approximately doubling total global cumulative emissions. This has brought the world perilously close to exceeding …
A fair 2030 target for Aotearoa report
New Zealand should greatly enhance its 2030 target under the Paris Agreement on the basis of equity. Climate finance for developing countries must play a critical part in meeting our …
Power, Profits and the Pandemic Report
The worsening inequality crisis triggered by COVID-19 is fuelled by an economic model that has allowed some of the world’s largest corporations to funnel billions of dollars in profits to …
Oxfam Aid Report
This report examines New Zealand’s overseas aid contributions against six principles of a quality aid programme that reduces inequality and poverty. The report finds that while New Zealand’s aid contribution …
Oxfam's Response to Coronavirus
As the outbreak of the novel coronavirus continues, Oxfam is gearing up its entire humanitarian aid delivery system to help the poorest and most marginalised people as they face the …
Improving Safeguarding and Culture at Oxfam
The Oxfam Confederation has developed an “Improving Safeguarding and Culture Plan” to drive its work over the next two years. The Plan builds upon our ongoing work and is strengthened …
Oxfam Report: Dignity not Destitution
An ‘Economic Rescue Plan For All’ to tackle the Coronavirus crisis and rebuild a more equal world New analysis shows the economic crisis caused by coronavirus could push over half …
A family sheltering by the road
Tens of thousands of people across Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique are still suffering 12 months after Cyclone Idai battered Southern Africa, warned Oxfam today. Cyclone Idai, one of the worst …