The Future is Equal

Leave a gift in your Will

Shirley in a boat with text, leave a gift in your Will
Shirley in a boat with text, leave a gift in your Will


The impact of your gift

Your Will is a testament to what you believe in and it can create lasting change.  

A gift in your Will is one of the most powerful gifts a person can make. This incredible act of generosity will transform lives and help end the injustice of poverty for generations to come.   

Whether big or small, a gift in your Will to Oxfam will pave the way towards our shared goal of an inclusive and sustainable world for everyone. Together we can change the world.  

The impact of your Will

Including a gift to Oxfam in your Will ensures that our life-changing programmes will continue to benefit future generations. Learn more about Oxfam’s work. 

Write your free will today

Oxfam has partnered with Gathered Here to offer Oxfam supporters the chance to write a legally valid Will online—completely free.

By including a gift to Oxfam, you can help ensure access to clean water, education, and essential resources for future generations.

Creating your Will takes less than 10 minutes, all from home. Get started today

Wording for your Will

If you haven’t written your Will yet, and want to add Oxfam, here’s a guide on the most effective wording. Feel free to show this to your solicitor when visiting them. 

“I give, free of all duties and taxes, to Oxfam Aotearoa (Charity registration number CC24641):

Choose among the following:

  • X% of my Estate
  • The rest and residue of my Estate
  • The sum of $… (fixed amount)
  • Details of a particular asset (such as shares or property)

… for its general purposes. An authorised receipt from Oxfam Aotearoa will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee(s).” 

How to leave a gift in your will

Leaving a gift to Oxfam Aotearoa in your Will is a powerful way to build a future world without injustice and poverty for the next generation. It is a simple process, however, please seek professional legal advice to ensure any arrangements are legally valid.  

You can download a free booklet or get in touch to request more information. Our legacy booklet provides the practical details of leaving a gift in your Will, such as our legal name and the types of gifts you can leave. The information can be stored until the time is right for you to visit a legal advisor.  

Legacy booklet

If you’d like to know more about which gifts you could leave in your Will, or anything related, please get in touch:

Brenna Gotjé
Philanthropy Manager