The Future is Equal

You Can Safeguard Margaret’s Home

You can safeguard Margaret’s home
You can safeguard Margaret’s home

Join a collective voice for change and protect her future.

“Who knows if the next time the waters come, it will take our house with it. It is not safe for us here. When the river comes it will flood our village again. We have seen firsthand how the river can carry houses like how the water can move a floating ship.” - Margaret

Climate change is the greatest crisis of our generation. It is washing away Margaret’s past and present. You can help stop this.

Our Pacific neighbours have contributed the least to climate change, yet they are paying the highest price. Intense, frequent storms and flooding are destroying their livelihoods and constantly putting families like Margaret’s at risk with little time to rebuild before the next disaster hits.

You can help those already experiencing the impacts like Margaret. Your donation can help to drive systemic change for the most vulnerable and marginalised – including those with a disability, single parents, widows and those living in remote areas. Your donation will help to reduce vulnerability and increase access to land and services, improve food security and will do so much more. You are creating lasting sustainable change across generations.

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