Oxfam Aotearoa’s values include māia (courage), tika (justice), and manaaki (connectedness). We are proud of our kaupapa and how we behave within our ‘Code Of Conduct’. We really want to hear how we are living these values, or if you think we are not. Either way, please leave us feedback through one of the mechanisms below. All feedback will be confidential.
We take expressions of dissatisfaction by anyone very seriously. We have an open and effective process for handling any grievance or complaint received. Any person may lodge a complaint with Oxfam Aotearoa about any matter over which Oxfam Aotearoa has control and that they consider gives grounds for a complaint.
Complaints can be an important component of supporter feedback and welfare. We will ensure that all feedback is communicated to the appropriate individual and appropriate actions are taken. If you are not satisfied with the response to a complaint, you can request that it be escalated. We will always honour these requests.
It is also important to us that along with members of the public, our staff, volunteers, and partners feel safe to lodge complaints without having to worry that detrimental action will be taken against them. Read more on how our whistleblowing policy helps ensure this here.

General Feedback & complaints
See us doing something great? Leave us some love here! See some room for improvement? Let us know how we could be better!
Phone: 0800 600 700 between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
Email: [email protected]
Mail: Oxfam Aotearoa, PO Box 68357, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
To report serious misconduct such as sexual harassment, fraud, abuse, corruption, exploitation or discrimination of any kind
Call 0800 600 700 and ask to have a confidential conversation with our Executive Director –OR–
By filling out our confidential webform that is monitored by our trained safeguarding team: here.
Oxfam is a member in good standing of the Council for International Development.
For any complaint alleging breach of the Council for International Development Code of Conduct, please report via https://www.cid.org.nz/make-a-complaint or [email protected]