The Future is Equal

Check out Oxfam’s vision for a Fairtrade supermarket at the Food Show

If you’re planning on checking out the Food Show this weekend in Auckland, stop by ‘Oxmart’ to check out Oxfam’s vision for a Fairtrade supermarket, and learn about our GROW campaign to fix the broken food system.

If you’re planning on checking out the Food Show this weekend in Auckland, stop by ‘Oxmart’ to check out Oxfam’s vision for a Fairtrade supermarket, and learn about our GROW campaign to fix the broken food system.

Buying Fairtrade coffee means coffee growers are paid a fair price.
Buying Fairtrade coffee means coffee growers are paid a fair price.

Oxmart’s shelves will be stocked with Fairtrade goodies to showcase the range of everyday Fairtrade products already available in New Zealand. While you’re there, fill out a ‘Check Out Fairtrade’ petition card to tell your local supermarket you’d like to see more Fairtrade goods on their shelves!

Millions of farmers in the developing world struggle to earn a living and even when there are price spikes in the cost of food, poor farmers often don’t see the benefit. Many are squeezed by middlemen and traders who see the real profit from high prices. But choosing Fairtrade certified products is an easy and effective way to ensure that those food producers get a fair price for their goods.

Under the Fairtrade system, producers are paid a fair, minimum price. Producer cooperatives also receive an extra amount, known as the Fairtrade premium, which can be used to fund community development projects such as schools, water wells and health care clinics.

While there has been a huge growth in Fairtrade products in New Zealand over the last few years, there’s still room for more. That’s why we’ll have the ‘Check Out Fairtrade’ petition cards on hand so you can let your supermarket know there is a demand for Fairtrade-labelled products. We’ll also be handing out ‘Show off your Fairtrade swap’ flyers from the Fairtrade Association of Australia and New Zealand, to encourage people to find creative ways to bring Fairtrade choices to friends and family.

There will soon be nine billion of us on this planet. Almost a billion still go to bed hungry each night – and not because there isn’t enough to go around, but because of deep injustice in the way the food system works. Together we need to find better ways to grow, share and live. Supporting Fairtrade and the GROW campaign are two ways to help build a future where everyone on the planet has enough to eat, always.

Fairtrade items on display at Oxmart will include products from All Good, Caffe L’affare, Whittaker’s, Kokako, Gravity Coffee, Natural Sugars, Avalanche Coffee and Trade Aid.