The Future is Equal

Colombia floods: number of people affected continues to rise

The number of people affected by the flood emergency in Colombia has risen by 50,000 people in the last two weeks, bringing the total number affect to more than 2,100,000. Oxfam is increasing its aid effort and has already reached hundreds of people in seven localities across the flood zone. Oxfam plans to reach 200,000 people and is appealing for donations.

“The worst is yet to come –
especially for the poorest
people in remote areas.”

Guillermo Toro, Oxfam Disaster and
Risk Reduction Manager


Oxfam gears up its flood aid but funds are desperately needed.

The number of people affected by the flood emergency in Colombia has risen by 50,000 people in the last two weeks, bringing the total number affect to more than 2,100,000. Oxfam is increasing its aid effort and has already reached hundreds of people in seven localities across the flood zone. Oxfam plans to reach 200,000 people and is appealing for donations.

Guillermo Toro, Oxfam Disaster and Risk Reduction Manager, said:

“The temporary pause in the rains over the past few days is a relief but we know the worst is yet to come – especially for the poorest people in remote areas. Access to food and loss of income due to the flooding are more and more worrying. In many cases people will not be able to plant or harvest crops for at least seven months. Nobody can hold out that long without the right amount of help.”

“It is a good sign that the Government has already announced measures to raise more resources for the emergency. Oxfam is concerned that the response of the international community has not matched a similar level of funding. The delivery of resources on the ground is still far too slow.”

“The image we faced on arrival in the Atlantic zone was one of just roofs above the waterline. Two days later, everything was below water – even the roofs. About 65,000 people are affected in this area. Towns have completely disappeared under water. Families fled to temporary shelters in nearby towns, where they were lucky to get food. These shelters house only 10 per cent of the affected population. The remaining 90 per cent are staying with families or friends, identifying their location with a red flag. To our surprise we found dry towns full of red flags where 90 per cent of the people affected still hadn’t received any help.”