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Oxfam scales up flood response in Fiji

Oxfam has stepped in to assist with relief efforts in Koro, Ra and Tailevu today after flooding hit the already vulnerable regions on Friday.

Oxfam has stepped in to assist with relief efforts in Koro, Ra and Tailevu today after flooding hit the already vulnerable regions on Friday.

Oxfam in Fiji country director Jovesa Saladoka said an initial 300 hygiene packs are being distributed to families. Experts have also been dispatched to carry out water, sanitation and gender protection assessments in coordination with the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO).

“We are working very closely with the NDMO to ensure a coordinated and streamlined process.”

“Our team is being deployed to begin the distribution in locations that are affected by the flood and where we also work as part of the Winston response,” Mr Saladoka said.

People in Fiji are still recovering from tropical cyclone Winston which tore through the country earlier this year. The category 5 cyclone left widespread damage, destroying entire villages and killing 44 people. It’s estimated approximately 40% of households in Koro are still living in tents.

Oxfam in Fiji has worked with local partners to respond to the cyclone since February, repairing water systems, providing sanitation and tools to rebuild homes and livelihoods.