The Future is Equal

Hot and hungry: How to stop climate change derailing the fight against hunger

How will climate change affect what we eat? Hunger is not and need never be inevitable. However climate change threatens to put back the fight to eradicate it by decades – and our global food system is woefully unprepared to cope with the challenge.

In the Pacific region, climate change could cause production of sweet potato in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands to decline more than 50 per cent by 2050, and maize in Vanuatu and Timor Leste to decline by 6 – 14 per cent by 2050.

In the face of this challenge, a new report from Oxfam analyses how well the world’s food system is prepared for the impacts of climate change.

In it, ten key factors that influence a country’s ability to feed its people in a warming world are assessed – including the quality of weather monitoring systems, social safety nets, agricultural research and adaptation finance.