The latest news and media releases from Oxfam Aotearoa

Oxfam supports Global Day of Action for a Robin Hood Tax
February 17 marks the Global Day of Action for a Robin Hood Tax. Hundreds of campaigning organisations from over twenty …

Oxfam pays tribute to Egypt’s civil society
As citizens around the world witness the events which unfolded in Egypt on February 11, Oxfam congratulates the Egyptian people …

G20 must help resolve bankers’ tax and looming food crisis
As the G20 meets in Paris this week, Oxfam calls on the world’s leading economies to act now to stop the …

Oxfam warns against using aid for political and military purposes
Donor governments are now spending proportionately more aid on countries they consider politically and militarily important while overlooking equally severe …

Sri Lanka flood disaster deepens
The disaster in Sri Lanka is deepening as a result of a second wave of flooding in the country. One …

Poor quality medicines used as an excuse to push up prices
The proliferation of substandard, dangerous medicines in poor countries is being used by rich countries as an excuse to tighten …

Six months on, Pakistan’s flood disaster threatens to worsen
The crisis in Pakistan is far from over and could get worse, international aid agency Oxfam warned today, six months …

Great need as Sri Lankans begin to return to their homes
Many people are returning to their homes in flood-hit Sri Lanka but the humanitarian challenge has only just begun …