The Future is Equal


Carbon Inequality Report

In the 25 years from 1990 to 2015, annual global carbon emissions grew by 60%, approximately doubling total global cumulative emissions. This has brought the world perilously close to exceeding 2°C of warming, and it is now on the verge of exceeding 1.5°C. This paper examines the starkly different contributions of different income groups to carbon emissions in this period. It draws on new data that provides much improved insight into global and national income inequality, combined with national consumption emissions over this 25-year period, to provide an analysis relating emissions to income levels for the populations of 117 countries. Future scenarios of carbon inequality are also presented based on different possible trajectories of economic growth and carbon emissions, highlighting the challenge of ensuring a more equitable distribution of the remaining and rapidly diminishing global carbon budget.

PDF icon Click here to read ‘The Carbon Inequality Report’ Report

PDF icon Click here for the ‘Media Brief – Confronting Carbon Inequality’

A Fair 2030 Target for Aotearoa Report

New Zealand should greatly enhance its 2030 target under the Paris Agreement on the basis of equity. Climate finance for developing countries must play a critical part in meeting our fair share of the global effort to limit warming to 1.5ºC.

Aotearoa New Zealand’s current Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of 11% off 1990 levels by 2030 falls short of its equitable contribution to the global effort to limit warming to 1.5ºC.

International and New Zealand law both require the Government to consider equity in setting emissions budgets and targets, and therefore to differentiate New Zealand’s emissions reductions.

Several competing equity models exist. When each model is based on a trajectory that limits warming to 1.5ºC, with no or limited overshoot, these models suggest that New Zealand’s fair NDC for 2030 would involve emissions reductions ranging from at least 57% off 1990 levels, to cutting emissions by 99%, or even reaching net negative emissions by 2030. 

PDF icon Click here to read ‘A Fair 2030 Target For Aotearoa’ Report

PDF icon Click here for the supporting calculations

Power, Profits and the Pandemic Report

The worsening inequality crisis triggered by COVID-19 is fuelled by an economic model that has allowed some of the world’s largest corporations to funnel billions of dollars in profits to shareholders giving yet another windfall to the world’s top billionaires, a small group of mostly white men. At the same time, it has left low wage workers and women to pay the price of the pandemic without social or financial protection. Since the onset of the pandemic, large corporations have put profits before workers’ safety, pushed costs down the supply chain and used their political influence to shape policy responses. COVID-19 should be the catalyst for radically reining in corporate power, restructuring business models with purpose and rewarding all those that work with profits, creating an economy for all.


Click here to read the full report.

Collective Resilience NZ’s Aid Contributions In Times of Inequality & Crises

This report examines New Zealand’s overseas aid contributions against six principles of a quality aid programme that reduces inequality and poverty. The report finds that while New Zealand’s aid contribution has some firm foundations, there is room for substantial improvement. Sixteen recommendations outline steps that will contribute to building a New Zealand Aid Programme that helps achieve collective resilience for all of humanity.

Now is a good time to assess how well the New Zealand government’s overseas development assistance (ODA), or aid, is responding to international development challenges across the world.


Click here to read the full report.

Oxfam’s Response to Coronavirus

As the outbreak of the novel coronavirus continues, Oxfam is gearing up its entire humanitarian aid delivery system to help the poorest and most marginalised people as they face the rising tide of infections ahead.
Despite access restrictions, we are working around the clock with our local partners in more than 60 countries to deliver much needed assistance to curb to spread of the virus and help protect communities from its economic impact. 

We have forged new and existing partnerships with 344 local civil society organisations across 62 countries. This network that includes all the work that Oxfam teams are implementing directly, is part of the fabric of how local communities themselves are responding in their own contexts and helping each other to adapt and survive. Together, we have reached over 4.5m people to date, with an aim to reach 14m people. The report below summarises the impact of our ongoing response.

Click here to read the executive summary.

Click here to read the full report.


Improving Safeguarding and Culture at Oxfam

The Oxfam Confederation has developed an “Improving Safeguarding and Culture Plan” to drive its work over the next two years. The Plan builds upon our ongoing work and is strengthened by the recommendations from both the Independent and Charity Commission reports. It aims to align our approach to safeguarding across Oxfam’s international confederation (i.e. 20 independent affiliate members, seven regional platforms, and 66 country teams). It links our work on safeguarding, culture change, gender, programs and Human Resources, within an improved governance framework.

Click here to view the full report.